10 Artists Who Need To Make A Comeback

1. Oasis

You haven't seen brotherly hate, until you've seen Liam and Noel Gallagher go at it. It's almost as if it's so intense it has to be staged, but apparently not. In the mid 90's, however, they kept themselves civil enough to produce some absolutely blockbuster hits. But things came to a head in 2009 when Liam broke his brother's guitar, ending a concert and causing Noel to quit the band that night. This seems to be one of the times when the unit is greater than its individual parts, and the lads would do well to put their grievances aside and get together for more music. The Beatles comparisons were there, seemingly more propagated by the Gallaghers themselves more than any critics, but the music is still catchy, and the songs are solid. Time does always seem to heal the deeper wounds, so you can almost certainly count on some future music from Oasis.
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Chef/musician/writer from the Eastern Shore of Maryland.