10 Artists Who Need To Make A Comeback

10. OutKast

Yes, it's true that the legendary rap group OutKast has agreed to do a smattering of festival dates through the US later this year, but let's be honest: live shows are not what they built their reputation on. Instead, they forged their place by putting out wildly imaginative albums, complete with inspiring beats and tongue-twisting verses. Not a weak album in their repertoire, really. They came out swinging with 1994's "Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik", and didn't let up from there. Numerous Grammys and critical praise showered down on them, but then the two rappers just kind of forked off onto their own paths. It will be amazing to see them side-by-side on stage again, but what OutKast needs to do to secure their legacy is drop another no-filler, landmark album. Not like they did with "Speakerboxxx/The Love Below" either, where each vocalist had an album side to themselves. No, what we want is a record that features both Big Boi and Andre 3000 on every song, trading lines like they were born to do.
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Chef/musician/writer from the Eastern Shore of Maryland.