10 Artists Who Need To Make A Comeback

9. The White Stripes

The White Stripes rode a college radio-assisted wave to stardom in the early 2000's. Jack and Meg White carried a two-piece band with the bombast of just guitar, drums and bluesy vocals that all combined to make as much noise as a full group. And then, four years after 2007's "Icky Thump", they were done. No real reason, no inter-duo squabbling, just a desire to preserve the group as it was at its peak. Jack White, for one, has been no stranger to the spotlight since the band ceased. From solo work to co-leading The Raconteurs, to a fly-on-the-wall documentary with Jimmy Page and The Edge, Jack has been steadily putting out music. Meg - always one to shy from the spotlight - has been a bit of a recluse, but as creative as the two were together, surely there wouldn't be a stain upon their status if they came back for a tour and more new music.
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Chef/musician/writer from the Eastern Shore of Maryland.