10 Awesome Openings In Terrible Songs

1. Sweet Jane (The Velvet Underground)

The Velvet Underground is both underrated and overrated. Overrated in that drug-fuelled idiots pretend as though they understand them, lauding them as the best band in rock and roll history, underrated in that although they might be dirty needle users they still managed to concoct a decent amount of music that ultimately defined a whole musical movement.

It was Lou Reed we have to thank for it, without his nasal ramblings of a heroin-induced pen to paper we wouldn't have some of the amazing work that we have today. However, that's not to say that it was all good.

Take Sweet Jane, for instance, a track that is probably up there with some of his most famous work. Yet that is the problem. It was written for the mainstream, it works because it isn't too obvious in its message. It was originally written for Reed to go solo, escape the pressure of the Velvet Underground and embark on something new. But instead of showing off his skills, it stinks of two-faced egotism and a point to prove.

Thankfully we do have an intro to write home about. An intro that is the complete opposite of the song itself. An intro that sounds like a wind chime and a kaleidoscope got together and created one of the most beautiful pieces of music in the world. A fine farewell to a band that never got the praise it deserved.

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