10 Awesome Openings In Terrible Songs

7. Under The Bridge - Red Hot Chili Peppers)

The Red Hot Chili Peppers are renowned for this sort of behavior with many of their tunes peaking within the first few seconds. In fact, you could easily list a whole host of songs that con audiences with extensive intros and legendary beats, only to have them ruined by the rest of the tune.

It is Under The Bridge in particular that really takes the biscuit when it comes to faking good songs with awesome intros, especially when you consider just how long the intro actually is. For 28 seconds, the song glistens and gleams, sending listeners into a dream-like state through the majestic pickings of John Frusciante.

Sadly, the magical elements just don't transition into the rest of the song as we are then forced to endure a topless Anthony Kiedis drone on about sobriety and the loneliness that he felt as a result. Sure, it might be captivating, soul-destroying, exhausting, terrifying, but does it really have to come off the back of something so beautiful as Frusciante's fingers?

Ironically, it was the success of this song that led to Frusciante's departure who claimed the band had gone too mainstream.

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