10 Awesome Rock Music Songs With Terrible Lyrics

8. Frantic - Metallica

There are some Metallica fans out there who will question that anything from 2003's St. Anger should be classified as good.

The record remains the band's most divisive, due to the huge change in style and production from their previous effort. That doesn't mean there isn't some good stuff on there thought, including the opening track Frantic.

Frantic sets the stage nicely for the rest of the album, containing all of the signature St. Anger sounds that fans either love or hate. It gets off to a decent start lyrically, with James Hetfield singing about how he wants his "wasted days" back.

And then it all goes a bit wrong.

The bridge features one of the most infamous refrains in Metallica history:

My lifestyle determines my death style

You can just tell that Hetfield thought he was on to a winner with this one. He wasn't.

Also, there's this business in the chorus:

Frantic, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tock

It's supposed to show just how unhinged Hetfield's character is becoming, but unfortunately it just comes across as a bit irritating.

Never mind, lads, you'll nail it with Death Magnetic in a few years' time.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.