8. Circle Backwards by Mark Provart - Scooby Doo 2

This is a highly underrated song. Probably because, for a long time, its been damn near impossible to find. These days it can be easily found on YouTube. But back in 2007 it took me a very long time to get a copy. When the film was released in 2004 I was a huge fan. I was also only nine years old. Thanks to the power of nostalgia, I still adore it. But I am also very aware that the film is terrible. The Rotten Tomatoes score of 21% makes it the most well received film of my list so far...but thats not really something to be proud of. Circle Backwards is an excellent soft pop-rock song. Im not sure exactly what its about, but if youre feeling down this is definitely one to steer clear of. It was played during the scene where Mystery Inc. were all fighting and our two heroes, Shaggy and Scooby, were feeling like screw-ups. It has powerful lyrics and a nice relaxing musical structure. http://youtu.be/u1vvvGEU8CA
7. Black Suits Comin by Will Smith - Men In Black 2

This wouldnt be the first time that Will Smith has written an awesome rap to coincide with an embarrassing movie. Thats not me complaining by the way. I wish he still did that. Imagine what we wouldve got for Hancock, Seven Pounds and the forthcoming After Earth! For me this entry was a huge toss up and I very nearly chose Wild, Wild West. But I think Black Suits Comin is easily the more popular song and is, therefore, a better choice. The song is another very catchy, child-friendly rap from Smith and tells the story of the second film very nicely. It actually makes the sequel sound fun. What we got from the film was not what the rap promised. It was a largely uneven and badly written sequel that failed to live up to its own hype. I will admit that Men in Black 2 had some funny jokes, but you know you have a problem when your film can be accurately summed up in depth by a rap song. Even if it's been written by Will Smith. http://youtu.be/1RVRCd6J2NA