10 Awesome Taylor Swift Songs That Aren't About Guys

1. Long Live

What It's About: Looking Back On The Past and Ahead To The Future Without a shadow of a doubt, Long Live takes pride of place at the number one spot on this list because it€™s beautiful, endearing and uplifting message is something that nearly everyone can relate to at some point in their lives. Long Live is a memorial of the happy times Taylor and her band have spent together; detailing the bittersweet contrast of enjoying the past, looking back on it in fondness and also missing the good times and wanting to experience them all over again. The song itself has the charm and nostalgia of an old photo album and can be applied to any significant departure or change in someone€™s life, such as; graduating school, starting a new job or moving house, and that€™s one of the main reasons why it€™s so great. Whatever your age or circumstance, all human beings are designed to evolve, to adapt and to change, although change can never be easy, and leaving behind the people and the places who made you who you are is sometimes difficult. However, Long Live is a reminder that it wasn€™t what you said or what you did that made the good times so great, it was who you were with. You didn€™t really €œfight dragons€ or become €œkings and queens€, it just felt like it because of the relationships you made and will, in the future, continue to make. Taylor sings €œlong live all the magic we made€ because even though buildings may get knocked down and people grow older over time, your memories of them will never change, and they€™ll live on long after you€™ve gone.
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Taylor Swift
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Lucie mostly enjoys long walks on the beach and short walks to the fridge, while dabbling in a little bit of writing here and there. The quickest way to her heart is probably through chocolate, laughing at her terrible jokes and sappy electronic music... but handing her a cheque for £1 million would probably work too.