10 Bands That Broke Up After Their Debut Album

5. Speak The Truth... Even If Your Voice Shakes

Speak The Truth... Even If Your Voice Shakes are an Emo supergroup containing members of Finch and Senses Fail. Formed in 2016, the band was quick to put out two singles, 'Crash My Car' and 'Go For The Throat'. The songs were critically acclaimed among fans of Senses Fail and Finch alike, embracing this new project. The band followed these singles up with shows to promote the project to audiences across the US.

After a few months of inactivity, they announced their debut album 'Everyone You Love Will Slip Away From You' for a late 2017 release. They promoted the album with more shows in the US and releasing more singles from the album. 'Everyone You Love Will Slip Away From You' was finally released in November of 2017, and the band was shelved 1 month later. Whilst there was no formal announcement of a breakup by any of the band's members, their social media pages have remained largely inactive since December 2017, with exceptions being for the promotion of other projects created by the band's members.

Despite this, frontman Buddy Neilsen has expressed willingness to revive the project, sharing plans on creating a new Speak The Truth... album within the next 2 years. Even though this does sound promising, the project sits behind a long list of other projects that Neilsen is currently working on, including 2 new Senses Fail albums slated for a 2021 release. So until then, the emo supergroup remains inactive.

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