10 Bands That Ditched What Made Them Famous

6. Blink-182

Blink-182 were some of the most lovable brats to come out of the pop-punk scene at the turn of the century. With albums like Enema of the State and Take Off Your Pants and Jacket, the band perfectly toed the line between adolescent songwriting about diarrhea and poignant compositions that spoke to the young teen demographic.

By 2002, the band were heading into the studio for their latest record, with fans prepared for some more adrenaline-fueled pop punk bliss. Instead of getting reruns of songs like "All the Small Things," fans were treated to a more alt-rock approach as the band focused on blistering guitars and more mature subject matters like divorce and the loss of human connection. The record was massive, but the dynamics within the group caused the band to break up shortly afterward.

When they got back together in the 2010's, their next release Neighborhoods doubled down on the experimentation, with vocalist Tom Delonge ripping a few pages out of his space rock outfit Angels and Airwaves. With Delonge now out of the band and Matt Skiba taking over for him, the band have returned to the fun-loving punk rock sound that made them famous. On the other hand, these records are a great "what if?" story of where the band could be today with Delonge still at the helm.

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