10 Best Concept Albums

6. 2112 - RushRush-2112

This is another that some may nitpick about being included, their reasoning being that side one of the album is the "concept" part of it, and the songs on side two are unrelated. Big whoop. We're leaving it in. Side one features seven songs that tell the story of what happens in the year 2112. An unnamed protagonist finds an ancient guitar and presents it to the Priests of the Temple of Syrinx, who control what gets written, sung about, and painted. Instead of praising him for his discovery and the sounds he can make with it, they shun him. When he returns home, upset and depressed over his rejection, he has a dream about what life used to be like. When individuality and creativity controlled the arts, not a cabal of overlords. The he kills himself. Hey, I never said it was a happy album. Track Listing: 1.1 Overture 1.2 The Temples of Syrinx 1.3 Discovery 1.4 Presentation 1.5 Oracle: The Dream 1.6 Soliloquoy 1.7 Grand Finale 2. A Passage To Bangkok 3. The Twilight Zone 4. Lessons 5. Tears 6. Something For Nothing
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David Bowie
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Armed with a laptop, a Pepsi, and a swivel chair, J.D. sets out to uncover the deepest secrets of the film world. Or, ya know, just write random movie-related lists. Either way....