10 Best Eminem Music Videos
2. Without Me
Without Without Me, we simply wouldn't have Eminem in his rawest comedic form, as he simply shoots the targets of anyone that was currently trending in pop culture.
Satire had always been a key factor in the way that Eminem conducts his work and, to say it's prevalent here, may be underselling it.
The man basically goes on an exuberant tirade as he reels in the joy of bringing celebrity right back down to Earth. Absolutely no one is safe here. Prince, Elvis Presley, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and his own blood mother get some sort of comeuppance, if not playful jesting. The list feels almost endless. He even goes as far as to incorporate controversial political figures such as Osama Bin Laden and Dick Cheney, as he and Dr. Dre go on a very self-aware conquest to prevent Eminem's music from reaching the young, innocent ears of the children that were definitely indulging in it at the time.
Utilising a sporadically-used comic book format and an overzealous retelling of every issue that the star had encountered up until that point - from other public figures - Without me is a cavalcade of humour that doesn't ease for a single moment.