10 Best Grunge Bands Of All Time

1. Pearl Jam

It may seem sacrilege to put Pearl Jam over Nirvana, a the group that changed the rock landscape. Though their star potential was not as otherworldly as their counterparts, Pearl Jam were always about something more than just the typical swampy rock tunes coming out of Seattle.

When the band first got together, their rapid ascent sent the band into a frenzy, with each of the members adapting to their stardom with varying degrees of success. However, that more unusual feeling helped drive the band through even more stellar albums like Vitalogy. While there were some definite sonic departures for the band in the 90's, they never lost their ability to write indelible rock tunes.

Even when the decade came to a close, Eddie Vedder helped lead the band through even more experimental directions across albums like Riot Act. Up until this very day, the new material the band has been putting out has never had a major slip-up and has even gone on to get better with age. By refusing to go along the normal career trajectory that rockstars "should" pursue, Pearl Jam have proven themselves as not only one of the best grunge bands, but also the embodiment of grunge's carefree attitude itself. It's not about labels but about music, and there's nothing wrong with that when the music's this good.

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