10 Best Grunge Bands Of All Time

6. Mudhoney

Grunge music was always a genre that thrived on its punk-rock attitude. Whether or not a band sounded punk, there's was always an anything-goes mentality buried underneath all the layers of guitar tones and vocal growls. When it comes to the more DIY approach to music, Mudhoney stands as out as the biggest punk band in grunge's origins.

Formed from the remnants of the Seattle band Green River, frontman Mark Arm created music that had a much more visceral sound than the more straightforward acts of the day. While many bands could take weeks slaving over the right guitar riff, Mudhoney's approach to performance seemed very much about what suited them at the moment. This led to some of the genre's most raucous moments like "Touch Me I'm Sick," which stands as one of the best punk rock songs of all time.

Even after the band signed a deal with major label Reprise Records, they always stuck to their roots and continued to make music that had that same manic energy that you get if you were just a couple of guys jamming in a garage. Though the band never made it as big as their contemporaries, Mudhoney is most likely one of the most respected acts to come out of Seattle by grunge musicians.

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