10 Best Halloween Songs From The Last 10 Years

7. Halsey - Haunting

taylor swift I did something bad
Astralwerks Records

Spookiest line: Now I think I'm possessed/you put a fever inside me/and I've been cold since you left.

The first of a couple of songs on this list that you'll want to keep in reserve for some sorrowful background ambience as the party winds down. Halsey's breathy, almost androgynous voice often feels built for sorrow, something she fully endorses on her sophomore album Hopeless Fountain Kingdom. However, it's on her more varied debut album Badlands that her most typically Halloween track can be found.

Love gone wrong is a thread that runs right through Badlands, with Halsey cataloguing here the haunting nature of her ex. What makes this song a little more interesting is that it's not about trying to get over someone, or about failing to get over someone. It's about not wanting to.

Time heals all wounds, and while Halsey feels her ex's presence, she can feel it receding too, begging them to stay haunting her forever. This isn't going to replace Ballroom Blitz or Monster Mash in getting the dance floor crammed, but might just be perfect for when you and your friends are crashed out on the couch, deciding what horror movie to watch on Netflix.

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Taylor Swift
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