10 Best Halloween Songs From The Last 10 Years

5. Little Mix - Black Magic

taylor swift I did something bad

Spookiest Line: I got the recipe/and it's called black magic

Halloween doesn't always need to be drenched in blood and guts. Ask people what they associate with the spooky season, and trick or treat will be high up their list. It's exactly that spirit that Little Mix's 2015 smash hit Black Magic taps into.

The song, and accompanying music video, sees the girls using a magic love potion to make someone fall in love with them. While in another context that could read as incredibly creepy, here it's never supposed to be taken seriously, and is the framework for a great pop song.

This is the kind of song you'll want to add to your playlist to keep that Halloween theme going without getting to scary or dreary. While others here tap into the haunting sense of ghosts under your bed, Little Mix will just get everyone up and dancing in their costumes.

It's a Halloween song in the way that Die Hard is a Christmas movie. Sort of absolutely, sort of not at all, but who cares to argue when it's this much fun.

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Taylor Swift
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)