10 Best Hard Rock Albums Of The 2020s So Far

8. Gigaton - Pearl Jam

Whilst it would be easy to just fill this list with bands you'd recognise, we've done our best to diversify its contents and present you with musicians you might not be as familiar with.

That being said, we had to make room for these titans and their mighty return to form.

After six and a half years without a studio release, Pearl Jam emerged from the shadows to present the world with Gigaton, an album that packed as much punch as its name would suggest.

Eddie Vedder hasn't changed his vocal style for about thirty years, but that's because he really doesn't need to. He is on fine form on this album, hitting the right mixture of melodic and growly depending on what's required of him.

The rest of the band pull their weight too, providing some of the most musically interesting songs in recent Pearl Jam history. With everyone firing on all cylinders, it's no surprise this album was heralded by fans as a much needed rebirth for the legendary grungers.

Combine this with a mammoth tour and it looks like Pearl Jam are back and here to stay.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.