10 Best Hard Rock Albums Of The 90s

6. Ten - Pearl Jam

Pantera VDOP
Epic Records

The 90's rock scene was dominated by the Grunge wave and few bands have used that platform as effectively or as consistently as Pearl Jam. An ensemble of incredibly talented and dedicated musicians back up Eddie Vedder's distintive snarl to form a Grunge band that sounds like no other. This distinct sound is on full show in their finest outing, Ten.

The album opens at a frantic pace with the rapid guitar intro of Once and follows it up with the two finest songs on the album; the head bangingly (it's a word) brilliant Even Flow and the mesmerically catchy Alive. And the quality of the album, shockingly, never drops from there. The beautiful Black and poignant Jeremy back up the inarguable quality the album lays before you from the off.

A band that has, through innovation and hard work, maintained a huge level of success to this day deserves to be celebrated; and what better way to celebrate the Grunge goliath that is Pearl Jam then with another listen of their finest album to date.

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