10 Best Hard Rock Drummers Of The '90s

6. Jimmy Chamberlain - The Smashing Pumpkins

The Smashing Pumpkins had one of the stranger career trajectories in the '90s alt rock scene. Long before any proper band was assembled, Billy Corgan originally had the idea of working with James Iha to make artificial synth music that was influenced by the likes of the Cure and New Order.

Then again, why the hell would you want to go with a drum machine when you have a guy like Jimmy Chamberlain at your disposal?

Though many people wouldn't really gravitate towards the drums on a Pumpkins release, Chamberlain's style with two sticks in his hands is very much indebted to the old school of drum virtuosity from the likes of John Bonham and Neil Peart.

While Corgan's songs are nothing more than just pop songs filtered through a few dozen fuzz pedals, Chamberlain's drums gave that extra shot of energy they needed to fill an arena with noise.

Even as far back as their debut record Gish, Chamberlain is already at the top of his game, with drum tracks that sound like he's ready to tear the roof off of the place from the minute he starts playing.

In spite of the more synthetic approach that the Pumpkins have taken on in recent years, the only way to reclaim that old magic is to get Chamberlain back in action.


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