10 Best Hidden Tracks On Rock Music Albums

5. Blood - The Black Parade (My Chemical Romance)

My Chemical Romance's modern masterpiece The Black Parade comes to a crashing conclusion with the song Famous Last Words; a screeching symphony about accepting the end of one's life.

This would have been a perfect way to draw the album to a close, but the MCR lads just couldn't help themselves.

After about 90 seconds of silence, the song Blood kicks in. It's very simple, performed in the style of an old ragtime showtune with Gerard Way singing whilst another member of the band bashes some keys on the piano.

It's about how people will try and take things from you until there's nothing left, bleeding you dry, as it were. Way's tongue is firmly in his cheek with this one, as it's clearly not meant to be taken seriously.

Should The Black Parade have just ended with a riotous climax? Perhaps, but this sort of deviant and disruptive spirit is what made My Chemical Romance so popular in the first place.

Anyone can finish an album on a high note, but it takes a special kind of artist to throw in a silly little joke right at the end for no apparent reason.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.