10 Best Hidden Tracks On Rock Music Albums

3. Spiderman - Adios Amigos (Ramones)

When beloved superhero Spider-Man was made the star of a 1967 cartoon TV show, he needed a theme tune.

Composed by Paul Francis Webster and Bob Harris, the song has gone on to become inseparable from ol' Web-head, cropping up in multiple other shows, movies, video games, you name it.

In 1995, an album called Saturday Morning: Cartoons' Greatest Hits was released. It featured contemporary artists putting their spin on classic kids TV themes, including punk pioneers Ramones taking on the Spider-Man song.

Or, as they incorrectly spelt it, Spiderman. There's a hyphen, guys!

Later that same year, the fictional brothers released their final studio album, Adios Amigos. That technically finished with a song called Born to Die in Berlin, but they just couldn't resist tacking something else on to the end of it.

A re-recording of their version of Spider(-)Man made an appearance as a hidden track on Adios Amigos, rounding off an incredible recording career with a wink and a smile.

Again, something like this plays perfectly into Ramones' image as loveable ruffians with a childish appeal, so this was a much better choice to end a record than a song about kicking the bucket in Germany.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.