10 Best Hidden Tracks On Rock Music Albums

2. Endless, Nameless - Nevermind (Nirvana)

If you're going to put a hidden track on an album, you might as well make people really wait for it.

Nirvana's seminal 1991 release Nevermind rounds out with a song called Something in the Way, a song that only charted for the first time in 2020, when it was included in the trailer for the film The Batman.

Something in the Way wraps up after about four minutes, and that's it, the end of the album, it's all over and done with... until it's not. After ten minutes of silence, the real final track of Nevermind kicks in and does so with the force of an angry rhinoceros.

Endless, Nameless was recorded after a botched attempt at laying down the song Lithium. Kurt Cobain instructed the producer to keep recording, as the band thrashed out this heavily-aggressive tune to release some of their anger.

Cobain got so mad that he smashed his guitar during the recording, which halted production on the entire album as they needed to source another left-handed one.

Was it worth it? Well, for a song as raw and powerful as Endless, Nameless, yes. Yes, it was.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.