10 Best Hip-Hop Songs Of 2017 (So Far)
5. Drake - "Gyalchester"
Aubrey Graham does not get enough credit for the vast amount of releases he has been consistently giving out to his growing fan base and the release of his album (or playlist, rather) is another instant staple for his discography.
"Gyalchester" is tucked in More Life between "4422","Skepta Interlude", and "Portland" in a barrage of musical entertainment, exploring four different sides of the genre in a single swoop.
Drake takes things to an unprecedented level of cunning delivery, adding so much bravado to mundane phrases and elevating his music to new heights.
The heavy bass and kick drums that take center stage with the soprano piano riff are what make the composition, but it is Drake's signature tenor sound that garnishes that special Toronto twist that the 6 God is known for.
Covering themes from work ethics, and relationships, the standardized Drake moments of braggadocio based in razor-sharp quips against other artists provide a moment of solidarity in a cavalcade of artists presented in the album.