10 Best Hip-Hop Songs Of 2017 (So Far)

4. Run The Jewels - "Legend Has It"

If anyone were to say that hip-hop is dead and that lyricism in mainstream hip-hop is lacking, "Legend Has It" would be one of the strongest arguments against such a generalization.

Run The Jewels made waves in the prior years as an underground act that caters to the weary fans of hardcore styles of rap, and have stayed true to their roots even through mainstream success.

There is a controlled madness to the ramblings of both Killer Mike and El-P, who have some of the most hilariously satirical lines of the year and provide an absolute avalanche of conscious comedy by way of forceful delivery.

Of course, the production hits all the right sounds that compliment each other in this hectic composition that includes distorted bass, chopped-up vocals, and hard-hitting snares.

"Legend Has It" also received a huge spotlight during the worldwide premiere of the trailer for the upcoming Marvel film Black Panther, further cementing their evolution towards global recognition.

True fan favorites, and the best example of an underground story in hip-hop, RTJ deserves nothing less than the massive amount of attention they've garnered with this track.

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Miguel Meza is a writer out of Los Angeles, California. Specializing in journalistic writing, and dabbling in creative writing as a filmmaker, he plans on making an impact as WhatCulture's resident hip-hop writer, stuck in the heart of the rap industry and in love with the business.