10 Best Number One Rock Albums Of The 2000s

2. Kid A - Radiohead

As anyone who has been to the same school as a particularly gifted older sibling will know, it can be hard to directly follow on from something a lot of people like.

This was the task faced by Radiohead's 2000 album, Kid A, which was in the unenviable position of succeeding the generation-defining OK Computer. However, like a little sister breaking that shotput record, Kid A came along and stole the show.

Take that, Jane!

Whilst OK Computer could only manage number 21 in the States, its successor went 20 places better in October of 2000. Nobody seemed to care that the band had veered wildly into the world of art rock, shunning the guitar and instead devoting their time to making weird synth pieces with more in common with an art installation than a rock album.

Kid A showed Radiohead's desire to diversify their musical output and they absolutely nailed every element of this bizarre, but highly enjoyable record.

It's not to everyone's taste - some might even argue that it's not rock - but for those people, there's always sticking on Creep for the third time in an hour.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.