10 Best Opening Album Tracks

6. Led Zeppelin - Good Times, Bad Times


'We are Led Zeppelin and we're going to take over the world' is what Good Times, Bad Times says in it's short 2:48 runtime. It served as the introduction of Le Zeppelin to rock fans everywhere and it was in like anything people had heard before. There had been bands like The Who and The Kinks playing heavier music, but nothing like this. 

Was the music world ready for John Bonham? The drumbeat of Good Times, Bad Times is classic Bonham with him playing two sixteenth note triplets on a single bass pedal. It's a technique that is often imitated, but never bettered. In two notes, Led Zeppelin burst their way into the music scene. Just listen...DUN DUN.

For a lesson on how to showcase a band in less than 3 minutes and explode onto the scene, look no further than Good Times, Bad Times from Led Zeppelin's debut album.


James Davidson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.