10 Best Rock Album Closers Of The 2020s (So Far)

2. Murder Most Foul - Bob Dylan (Rough And Rowdy Ways)

Only Bob Dylan could release a 17 minute song about the assassination of John F. Kennedy and it be regarded as one of the greatest songs of the year.

Robbie Zimmerman's first original work since 2012 dropped like a cannonball in early 2020 as "a gift" to his fans for their many years of support. This reward turned out to be one of the most ambitious songs that the master poet had made in some time.

Murder Most Foul, the final track on Bobby D's 2020 album Rough and Rowdy Ways, slowly unfurls over its lengthy runtime, as Dylan softly ponders on the consequences of the JFK killing on American culture with his trademark social insight.

Dylan's voice, which has long been the easiest thing about him to criticise, nestles nicely atop a bed of piano and strings with a wisdom befitting his status as an elder statesman. Sure, there's one rhyme scheme throughout the whole thing, but nobody listens to Dylan for the complexity.

A song that caught everyone by surprise and reignited an interest in Dylan that had been missing for a long time, Murder Most Foul proves that there's life in the old dog yet.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.