10 Best Rock Duos Of All Time

2. The White Stripes

There’s very little this band hasn’t accomplished. They headlined festivals across the world, helped to kickstart revivals in both garage rock and blues, and produced one of the best covers of all time (“Jolene”).

They appeared in movies, hung around with celebrities. They only released one bad album during their tenure (Get Behind Me Satan) and even that has quite a few decent tunes in it. They released comedy tracks that were actually good, started beefs and got in physical altercations (the hulking Jack White did, anyway). To this day, no one’s quite sure whether they’re brother and sister or divorced.

And they did all of this with one wildcat frontman guitar virtuoso and one super cool drummer who wasn’t exactly technically gifted (it would be wrong to say, as some have, that Meg was a bad drummer - she was limited, sure, but it fit their primal sound perfectly).

The Stripes never attempted to pretend they were a bigger proposition than they were. This was the sound of two people playing precisely what they wanted, usually at full throttle, yelping, banging, and having a great time. And it was glorious.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)