10 Best Rock Music Album Closers Of The 1980s

5. I Am The Resurrection - The Stone Roses (The Stone Roses)

Coming out with about seven months of the '80s left, The Stone Roses' self-titled debut album set the stage for the arrival of Britpop and indie rock in the '90s.

The album is fantastic from top to bottom. The opener, I Wanna Be Adored, is a great introduction to the rest of the record, which contains the fabulous Waterfall, among others.

How best to close out this revolutionary, future-facing album? With a sprawling, eight minute-long blowout, that's how!

I Am the Resurrection started out as a joke between the band, as bassist Gary "Mani" Mounfield would often play the riff to The Beatles' Taxman in reverse for a laugh.

This studio jape eventually evolved into a semi-Messianic anthem about a man who sees himself as the Second Coming. Then, when that's all done, it ends with a four-minute long instrumental playout that will blow your mind even today.

I Am the Resurrection is the best possible way that The Stone Roses could have closed out this album. Irreverent, slightly controversial, and a testament to their outstanding ability as musicians. It really has to be heard to be fully appreciated.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.