10 Best Rock Music Album Closers Of The 1980s

3. My Last Words - Megadeth (Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying?)

The mid-'80s were a glorious time to be a fan of thrash metal bands closing their albums with absolutely massive tunes. One year on from their debut, Killing Is My Business... and Business Is Good!, Megadeth decided to release another album with a suitably silly name.

Peace Sells... but Who's Buying? built on all the good work done by its predecessor and planted Dave Mustaine's skull-adorned flag firmly in the ground.

The opening track, Wake Up Dead, is a belter. It's complimented nicely by the song at the other end of the record, the thrash-tastic My Last Words. That makes it sound like everything in between those two songs is rubbish; it's not.

My Last Words is about Russian roulette (sure, why not) and starts off with a lovely, Spanish-inspired riff at the start. Then, the rest of the song arrives and blows your ears off.

Fast-paced, dark and dingy, and technically sound, My Last Words draws another stellar Megadeth album to a close. If you need any further proof of its greatness, Lars Ulrich once said that it's his favourite Megadeth song. Although, that might put some people off it.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.