10 Best Rock Music Album Closers Of The 1980s

2. Damage Inc. - Metallica (Master Of Puppets)

Say Lars Ulrich's name, and he shall appear...

Napster's worst nightmare and the rest of Metallica also put out an album in 1986, and it's safe to say that it did quite well.

Master of Puppets is many people's favourite Metallica record and there's a strong case to be made for that argument. It brings together everything that the band had learned over the course of their previous two releases, resulting in an airtight 55 minutes of well-written, well-structured metal.

All that goodness comes to an end with Damage Inc., a song that doesn't even have its own Wikipedia page but is still one of the group's most popular songs.

Meant as a warning against senseless violence, Damage Inc. frames those who commit such crimes as part of a mindless corporation. This fits in nicely with the rest of the album, which revolves around those in power abusing it at the expense of the little guy.

Damage Inc. is home to one of Kirk Hammett's most blistering solos, which is saying something. It brings Master of Puppets to a wild, energetic close, and ensures that the album stays long in your mind after you've done listening.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.