10 Best Rock Music Album Covers Of The 1990s

4. Dookie - Green Day

Dookie might be named after Green Day's tendency to get diarrhoea at the time, but the album itself was anything but crap.

The group's major label debut, Dookie made household names out of the three members and many of its songs are still fan favourites to this day.

Welcome to Paradise, Longview, When I Come Around, and Basket Case all stick out.

The album reached number two in the Billboard charts upon its 1994 release and ended up being the 33rd best-seller of the entire decade. The music probably played a part in that, but how many people bought it just to have its gorgeous front cover on display?

Done by the band's pal Richie Bucher, Dookie's artwork is a comic book-style scene of a plane dropping a bomb. The words "Green Day" erupt from the explosion in beautiful letters, as madness unfolds beneath them.

The more you look at this cover, the more there is to see. It's incredibly detailed, like all comic book panels should be, which has helped it stand the test of time.

Some people got mad at the sight of civilians being blown up, but like... they're not real people?

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.