10 Best Rock Music Album Covers Of The 2010s

5. Villains - Queens Of The Stone Age

Queens of the Stone Age put out two records in the 2010s and both of them had beautiful covers.

The first, 2013's ...Like Clockwork, was based on an old poster for the 1931 Dracula movie, depicting a skull-faced figure embracing a woman from behind.

That's classy and all, but Villains from 2017 just pips it to the post.

QOTSA's seventh release, Villains, scored well amongst music critics upon its release.

For their new album, the band turned to the man behind the ...Like Clockwork design, Liverpool-based artist Boneface. This was the first time they'd ever gone back to a previous collaborator, which says something about how much they admired his work.

This time around, Boneface created an image of Homme with a demon stood behind him, covering his eyes with its hands. In fact, every member of the band got a drawing in this style, which were placed on the back cover.

The art itself is stunning, full of neat little details. The colour contrast works really well too, highlighting the hellish figure of the winged devil.

Another success for Mr. Boneface then, if that is his real name... it probably isn't.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.