10 Best Rock Music Album Covers Of The 2020s So Far

2. Will Of The People - Muse

Muse frontman Matt Bellamy described their August 2022 album Will of the People as "a greatest hits album - of new songs."

Oh, to have the confidence of a rock star...

The Devon-based band scored yet another number one with their ninth studio release. Fusing progressive with glam and synth pop, Will of the People presented a selection of songs that all stood out on their own, making for a varied and highly pleasant listening experience.

Bellamy's grandiose statement in that interview is mirrored in the album's artwork, which presents the band in the manner of ancient deities.

Overseen by creative director Jesse Lee Stout, the cover image shows Bellamy, Dominic Howard, and Chris Wolstenholme as giant stone heads partially buried under some sand.

Alongside them are a group of people attempting to unearth the statues, all presented in a top-down perspective making them look like insects next to the almighty Muse members.

The level of detail on the heads is immaculate, as each member is easily identifiable. The audacity of this image and all of its subtext is pure ego, but it makes for a truly spectacular visual.

Sometimes, bigger is actually better.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.