10 Best Rock Music Album Openers Of The 2000s

9. Blood On My Hands - Artwork (The Used)

Post-hardcore unit The Used knew exactly what everyone wanted from them when their fourth album Artwork came out in 2009. They wanted a dark sounding song, a music video about a serial killer, and a big, shouty-screamy chorus to get stuck into.

And that's precisely what they got.

Artwork's starting gun was fired by the song Blood on My Hands, which also served as its first and only single. In an interview about the song, lead singer Bert McCracken said that it summed up everything about the band, and he wasn't wrong.

Blood on My Hands is, clearly, a twisted number. It's all about the facades we wear in our daily lives and what happens when they slip. It's textbook emo songwriting, which was all the rage as the 2000s came to an end.

An opening track doesn't have to be flashy or complicated to be good. All it has to do is hook audiences in and give them a reason to stick around until the end. Blood on My Hands did just that for all the grimy little rock fans that got their hands on a copy when it first came out.

Grimy in a good way, of course.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.