10 Best Rock Music Videos Of The 2000s

6. The Hardest Button To Button - The White Stripes

The video for The White Stripes' Seven Nation Army almost made this list, but that would have involved listening to that song again.

We have heard those chords plenty of times already, thank you very much.

Instead, let's take a look at another video for another song off that same album. From 2003, this is the song The Hardest Button to Button.

We have no idea what that means either.

The video makes use of the song's catchy 4/4 bass drum beat, using pixilation animation to create a trail of drums behind Meg White as she seemingly teleports to the front of the line.

This effect was created using 32 different drum sets, 32 different amplifiers, 16 different mic stands, and a whole heap of patience from everyone involved.

Can you imagine how boring this shoot must have been? Especially for Meg White.

All of that hard work paid off though, as the end result was a visually arresting video that still stands out as innovative even after all these years.

It even got parodied on The Simpsons, and everybody knows that's a sign you've really made it.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.