10 Best Rock Music Videos Of The 2000s

7. Here It Goes Again - OK Go

"Do you want to make a really elaborate, highly technical music video for your new single?" Said someone at a record label in 2006.

"Nope." Said the band OK Go. "Just give us eight treadmills and a couple of hours to practice and we'll be fine."

The video for Here It Goes Again is one single continuous take of the band performing a dance routine across the exercise machines, prancing around on them with relative grace and ease.

The routine was choreographed by lead singer Damian Kulash's sister Trish Sie, who would go on to be the scourge of every gym owner in the world as people tried in their thousands to replicate her work.

On the surface, this video should suck. It looks cheap as hell and just features a bunch of nerdy-looking guys mucking about some treadmills.

However, the dancing is actually pretty good and the band pull off this complicated sequence fairly well.

It did take them 17 attempts, but never mind.

Still considered OK Go's crowning achievement, the video for Here It Goes Again will live on way after this one-hit wonder are gone.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.