10 Best Rock Power Trios

9. Them Crooked Vultures

With rock being stripped down a bit more in the 2000's, the idea of having bombastic supergroups started to go way out of style. It wasn't so much about the excessive rock and roll but rather to try to come up with an organic work of genius. However, the supergroup concept could still be done right if it was in just the right hands.

In 2009, the music world was thrown a curveball with the debut album by Them Crooked Vultures, which was a delightfully raucous run through blistering hard rock. The band was a collaborative project for Queens of the Stone Age frontman Joshua Homme and Foo Fighter Dave Grohl, while being anchored down by bass legend John Paul Jones.

Each member of this group brings their own unique blend to the project with Homme's indelible sleazy voice along with Jones's four-string thunder and unique organ and arranging accentuations. Grohl's time playing with another famous trio gave him a new opportunity to flex his muscles behind the kit, as he pummels his drums like a modern day John Bonham.

After a quick tour following the album's release, the band returned to their respective outfits, leaving this debut as our only taste of this band's fantastic brand of hard rock.

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