10 Best Rock Samples In Hip Hop

6. Are You Experienced? - Passin' Me By (The Pharcyde)

Pharcyde gave us some of the slickest, most laid back hip-hop of the 90s, heavy with jazz influences, smooth basslines, hints of trumpets and plenty of hi-hat. But one sample in the track Passin' Me By might have been missed, even by the keenest of music nerds. It's an incredibly subtle use of an iconic rock guitar part and ended up underpinning this tracks whole vibe.

There's a technique Jimi Hendrix used on the track Voodoo Child, that chucka-chucka sound that precedes the signature riff. The bit everybody can play along to, before letting the guitar messiah do his thing. It's a simple enough sound to obtain, Hendrix just muted the strings, strummed to a beat and utilised a touch of wah-wah pedal. And, a similar effect was used for Are You Experienced, only the recording was played in reverse, resulting in a spaced-out, otherworldly quality.

It's that moment right at the beginning of the Hendrix track that was sampled by producer J-Swift. He used it to create the dreamlike and floaty ambience of this 90s hip-hop classic.

Admit it, this song just feels way slicker once you realise Jimi Hendrix is keeping time on it.

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.