10 Best Rock Samples In Hip Hop

5. San Franciscan Nights - San Francisco Knights (People Under The Stairs)

Despite the lukewarm reception received by the debut album from People Under The Stairs, the track San Francisco Knights has become a cult hit in the hip-hop world.

Although this single was released in 1998, it had been recorded several years earlier which is why to seems so reminiscent of the early 90s hip-hop scene.

The sample used was taken from a 1967 cover by Gábor Szabó of the Animals track San Franciscan Nights, and despite the original track being a strange blending of hippie-rock, and ethereal jazz, it was the perfect foundation to build a classic '90s rap number around.

The track ended up causing some confusion for the New York-based rap group, however, with many people assuming the references to San Francisco meant the band hailed from California. During a time when the East Coast/West Coast rap rivalry was still very much in the public eye, this very well might have caused the band harm, as they themselves have admitted they initially struggled to get New York DJ's to play their first album, often being referred to as a West Coast band, incorrectly.

It's hard to imagine but in a time before Google, the word on the street was gospel.

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.