10 Best Rock Songs For Working Out

6. The Rolling Stones - Start Me Up

Is there a better song to kick off a workout to? It's pretty much all summed up right there in the name! Start. Me. Up.

Start Me Up should, if you're not a corpse, pretty much get your engine revving come workout time. Using it as the first track of your calorie burning playlist isn't a bad idea, but it fits in just about anywhere. The Rolling Stones themselves (RIP Charlie Watts) set quite the standard as well.

Haven't caught them live yet? In his 70s now, Mick Jagger puts younger artists to shame, getting in one hell of a aerobic workout running around stage each and every concert.

This isn't exactly a unique inclusion if we're being honest. Start Me Up is featured in any number of workout collections you can find online (including BoomPlay, Spotify and elsewhere). Jog.fm has it listed for the running enthusiasts out there, and Spotify also has remixes that play back a little quicker, for those who are really looking to get their heart rate up.

Of course, while Mick Jagger claims he'll never stop, make sure you add a few rest spots into your workout. We don't want anyone overdoing it, after all. We can't all have Jagger's energy.


Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.