10 Best Rock Songs For Working Out

5. Pantera - Walk

Respect. Walk. What did you say?

The lyrics are simple enough to sing along to, especially the chorus. The riff is one of the catchiest that the late, great Dimebag Darrell ever crafted for metal behemoth Pantera.

It's the sheer in your face nature of Walk that makes it a fantastic workout track.

This is the tune you do your angry workout to. When you need to blow off steam as much as shed pounds. Or frankly do both.

As with many of the tunes in the list, you could probably swap out any number of classic Pantera tracks here, and get the same general effect. Pantera made loud, heavy music that had an air of authenticity to it that the '80s hair metal acts just lacked. It was aggressive and in your face, consistently. But of all their tracks, Walk just seems to have an edge that others don't, at least when it comes to exercise tunes. Working out to Cowboys from Hell? Okay, that works. Working out to Walk? Just about perfect.

Just, don't actually walk. Run. Hit the weights. Rip the heavy bag. Pedal that much faster. If Phil Anselmo's growl doesn't motivate you to give 110%, nothing will.


Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.