10 Best Solo Albums From Former Rock Band Members

8. Lazaretto - Jack White

It's hard to believe that there hasn't been a White Stripes studio album since 2007, as it still feels like the garage rock legends' influence hangs over music today.

That might be because, in those years since his split from Meg, Jack White has been churning out music non-stop.

Since '07, he's put out two albums with The Raconteurs, three with The Dead Weather, and five under his own name, including two separate ones in 2022. That's plenty of good work to pull from, but the best of the bunch is 2014's Lazaretto.

A number of this album's songs and themes came from a re-discovered collection of writings made by White when he was a teenager, making for a unique listen. The record is chockful of the singer's trademark weirdness, both in its musicality and lyrical content, with songs veering wildly from style to style, never once dipping in quality.

Jack White is seemingly unstoppable, having been far more prolific as a solo performer than he ever was in a band. Expect him to have released his 200th solo record by the end of the decade.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.