10 Best Stereophonics Songs

2. Maybe Tomorrow - You Gotta Go There to Come Back

Its quite hard to fit the music of the Stereophonics into one definite genre, especially considering the number of influences that each of the band members have drawn from over the years. Even then, Maybe Tomorrow still defies whatever genre category the band had originally been classified as.

Drawing from soul and rock records from the late '60s/early '70s, Maybe Tomorrow is more gentle and hushed despite the sheer number of components present. Guitars (acoustic and electric), synth, drums, backing harmonies, bass and vocals are all utilised to tremendous effect, effectively shifting dynamics to create a classic song. Also worthy of note is yet another wah-guitar solo that kicks in roughly half-way through the song, and much like the others, is nothing short of excellent.

This song was used at the end of the Oscar-winning film Crash (2004), and served as an excellent closing number for a charged and poignant film.


Cameron Morris hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.