10 Best Stereophonics Songs

3. Have a Nice Day - Just Enough Education to Perform

A positive, upbeat track, Have a Nice Day was inspired by a conversation the band had with a taxi driver whilst they were holidaying in San Francisco, with most of the driver's thoughts about life and other humans in general finding their way into the lyrics of the song. This was the first Stereophonics song to make its way into the US Billboard charts, and its no wonder why.

Not only does the use of both acoustic and clean electric guitars blend together extremely well, but Kelly Jones unique-sounding vocals complement the track amazingly, making for pleasant listening all around. Have a Nice Day absolutely radiates positiveness and warm feelings, making it a perfect song for any sunny day.

You have to wonder if the taxi driver ever found out his conservation was ever used in a song? He'd make quite the philosopher.


Cameron Morris hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.