10 Biggest Rock Music Feuds Of The 21st Century So Far

8. Jack White And The Black Keys

The irony of these guys having opposing colours in the names of their respective bands is not lost on us, don't worry.

This whole thing started under very strange circumstances, when a selection of Jack White's emails were leaked as part of his divorce proceedings. In the messages, he mentioned how he didn't like The Black Keys and accused them of ripping off his modern interpretation of traditional blues music.

The White Stripes frontman used some very unsavoury language when referring to Black Keys singer Dan Auerbach, saying that "He gets yet another free [rein] to follow me around and copy me and push himself into my world."

White then issued an open letter apologising to the two-piece, but a 2015 run-in with Keys drummer Patrick Carney reignited old tensions. They almost had a fight in a New York bar, which is a throwdown we would pay good money to see.

Maybe White tried to Icky Thump him... sorry.

In the end, the two sides seemingly patched things up, but there was a time where these two new age standard bearers of the legendary genre were not on the best of terms.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.