10 Completely Insane Demands That Entertainers Made For Gigs

2. Sheryl Crow

Sheryl Crow's demands on promoters likely cause a lot of headaches considering that the uber environmentally-conscious singer has a long list of specific enviro-friendly items that must be procured. These include biodegradable non-petroleum cups, disposable napkins make of 100% recycled fibre, and various 'venue greening suggestions' too lengthy to list. The singer also demands organic coconut water, two bottles of Cabernet Sauvignon and two 'good quality, dark, organic chocolate bars'. For a girl who started out just wanting to have some fun things have apparently gotten quite complicated. Crow also follows a daily booze schedule and while we cannot confirm if she was inspired by Rush, her alcohol regimen is as follows: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday she prefers a small bottle of Ketel One Vodka mixed with organic cranberry juice. On Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday the beverage of choice is tequila with a half-gallon of organic grapefruit juice.
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Ross Ingall is a 52 year old ordained Canadian baptist minister who has been listening to hard rock and metal quite literally since each was invented. A second career pastor who attended seminary in his 40's, the Rev hosts Too Metal For Church on Metal Nation Radio. Writing both under his own name as well as the psuedonym/nickname Reverend Rock, Ross has been writing music articles on the web since 1999.