10 Completely Insane Musician Team-Ups (That Actually Happened)

7. Wu-Tang And Texas: Also Completely Insane

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lh1Q_MongAk We're not sure which of the 36 Chambers this was hidden in, but we wish it had stayed unopened. Texas, a band who tried and failed to hide their Glaswegian heritage, were a...wait...are still a thoroughly average pop act, and the original Say What You Want was a thoroughly average mid-90s pop song, with just enough trip-hop elements to be hip but not enough to be interesting. Which, apparently, appealed to the RZA and Method Man. The Wu Tang remix, Say What You Want (All Day, Every Day)...well, it sounds like a Wu Tang song, except with Sharleen Spitteri turning up every so often to sing about a break-up, just to give you a little respite from Method's gangsta posturing. This was around the time that Ol' Dirty Bastard, the most troubled but also most talented member of the group - Wu Tang, we mean, not Texas, if his name didn't tip you off - was getting arrested for not paying child support, getting into car accidents and then bum-rushing the stage when Puff Daddy beat the group to a Grammy and proclaimed that "Wu Tang is for the children". So this might have been some sort of diversionary tactic, or classic hip-hop one-upmanship - "we can be wayyyyy more embarrassing than you, ODB! Look, I'm duetting with a Scottish pop band!"
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/