10 Controversial Reasons Nickelback Are Actually Awesome

7. They Have A Sense Of Humor

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6r0IomSrpI When you get as much hate as Nickelback you can either let it get to you or you can roll with the punches and just laugh it off. Nickelback obviously has a good sense of humor (or a high tolerance for pain) because without one they never would have survived this long. Back in 2012 Nickelback saw major backlash when they were announced as the band that would play during the half time show at the Detriot Lions' game on Thanksgiving. People went as far as starting a petition trying to get Nickelback thrown off the show. Nickelback responded by collaborating with Funny or Die in this skit and although they may not be comedians they're damn sure able to laugh at themselves because Nickelback has a sense of humor and you should too.
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I am a writer/musician and hopeless entertainment addict. I could talk your ear off all day about my vast (albeit completely useless) knowledge of pro-wrestling and then argue with you how the characters in LOST were more important than the plot itself. Yeah I'm that guy. Follow me on twitter @IAMJoshFoster.