10 Criminally Underrated Thrash Metal Albums Of All Time

5. Demolition Hammer - Epidemic Of Violence

One look at the track list for this one will tell you what you're in for. Charmingly-titled songs like 'Skull Fracturing Nightmare' and 'Pyroclastic Annihilation' more than live up to what they promise.

In 1992, many thrash bands were trying to retool to remain hip in the ever-changing music industry. In an admirable display of defiance, Demolition Hammer refused to curtail to the trends of the time. The result was this adrenaline-rushing bloodbath of an album. Where others were experimenting with groove and grunge, Demolition Hammer just wanted to punch you in the face (musically speaking of course).

Frontman Steve Reynolds is a pitilessly raw and angry vocalist, infusing the musical brutality with a guttural rage. The ear-shredding guitars and Vinny Daze's feral take on drumming keep the pedal to the metal from start to finish on this cult classic LP.

While 'Epidemic of Violence' did receive some well-deserved acclaim at the time of release, its reputation has dwindled over the years. In terms of offering an extreme, no holds barred thrash experience, it's on the GOAT tier.

It deserves to be remembered as an all time classic for the genre and one that stood up for it during a challenging era.

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